Sonntag, 3. Februar 2013

Peinliche Pausen: Etiketten von Flaschen abknibbeln

Je langweiliger mein Gesprächspartner, desto zerstörter ist das Etikett meiner Bierflasche. So einfach ist die Logik manchmal. Jetzt reagiert der erste Getränkehersteller aus dieses psychologische Dilemma. Mit diese Etikett:

You won't escape an awkward situation by ripping off this label.

You won't escape an awkward situation by ripping off this label.
Things have gone silent, which is probably why you're undressing your beer.
But making label confetti isn't going to impress anyone. Instead, talk about the time you caught a huge tuna with only your hands, even if you never have. Anything is better than what you're doing now.
Supporting mateship.

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